What is NcPA®

What is NcPA®

NcPA®: Natural form of cyclic lysophosphatidic acid (cPA).

  • Kimiko Murobushi, Professor Emeritus at Ochanomizu University, discovered in 1985 an “unknown bioactive substance” from a fungal slime mold.
  • Phospholipids with a cyclic structure and single-chain fattyacids.
  • It has been found to exist at low concentrations of about 0.1 μM (40 ng/mL) in higher organisms and human serum, and has a molecular weight of about 400.
  • Ingredients that are present in the body and perform various functions.
  • Present in serum and brain of animals, including cattle, fish, and humans.
  • Most likely a substance that regulates the functioning of cells.
  • As an organ, the brain contains the highest concentration.

Expected to play an important role in neural function.

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